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Fatal industrial accidents which stem from dangerous atmospheric hazards encountered in the work place are unfortunately common. Several type of industrial work activities, such as confined space entry, “hot work” or welding, and many other routine plant maintenance procedures are highly associated with the potential for the development of dangerous atmospheric conditions, oxygen deficiencies or explosions. Management of air quality during these industrial activities reflects two basic requirements:  proper assessment of existing or potential atmospheric hazards and strategies to eliminate, control or maintain safe atmospheric conditions for potentially affected workers.

It is in view of these that Nyesco Energy Service Ltd in conjunction with Odham Gas & Simtronics Fire & Gas, France, provide detection gas equipment & calibration services for and train personnel on the management of potential atmospheric hazardous conditions. The gas testing equipment ranges from portable gas monitors to fixed detection systems. The training programme is tailored at: Inculcating into the participant the habit of safe working practices in atmospheric hazardous conditions, specifically, toxic, flammable and oxygen enriched and deficient atmosphere, Safe working practices in confined space  The use of gas testing equipment and gas monitors,  Manual “bump testing” and calibration  Maintenance of gas testing equipments and  The use of calibration station in “automatic” “bump testing” and calibration of gas monitors